Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Catching up with the Wilch family

Wow, it is October already. September flew right by. We have been busy...I do not know what I am going to do when these kids get older. Their schedule is busy enough already! :) Things will get a little easier after this week as this is Morgan's last week of Gymboree. That will free up the weekend a lot more. I feel a little bad as I know she enjoys going and Logan will not get the chance, but there are plenty of other things for us to do.

Morgan seems to have finally adjusted to preschool. She told me this morning that she was ready to go before I was even ready. I take her in to the school and she just walks right in to class. We are battling nap vs no nap with her some days. I let it slide occasionally, but she still needs it more than not. Bedtime is getting easier with both of them now that I have figured out a few things that seem to be working for us.

Logan will be six months old in two days!!! I can not believe it. He is getting so big. I think (don't want to jinx it so will not say definitely) that he is starting to sleep thru the night. He has for two days now. No teeth yet, but all in due time. He has starting to really laugh and interact more with Morgan. She is such a great big sister/little momma.

Here are a few pictures from the middle/end of September. We have a family pass for MOSI and that allowed us free admission to the Florida Aquarium and Lowry Park Zoo in September. We made sure to take advantage of that. Still hopeing to get a trip in to Busch Gardens before the end of the year.

Logan at the Aquarium
There is a splash area outside at the Aquarium that Morgan had lots of fun at.

Logan and I at the Aquarium. I am usually on the other side of the camera. :)

Troy and Logan at Lowry Park Zoo. Note Logan's FSU shirt...Mommy won on that one.

The next big task in the house is getting Morgan to decide what she wants to be for Halloween. I thought for certain she would want to be a princess, but she does not. Puppy has been the one I have heard the most. Stay tuned for details....

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