Friday, September 5, 2008

No pictures, but an entry anyway

I am listening to Logan over the monitor as he tries to get himself to sleep. It is something we have needed to work on for a long time and he did well the past two nights. Well...last night he was so worn out from screaming all the way home from MOPS that he went to sleep very easily. Fingers crossed that we get the self soothing down and his bedtime routine becomes much shorter.

So no pictures this time. Not that I do not have any new ones, but I have so much stuff to get done right now. Typical household stuff like never ending laundry (add a baby that spits up a lot to the family and you also add endless laundry) and emptying out the dishwasher. We are also doing the moving sale at Mom's one more time tomorrow. Then there is the cake. I took cake decorating classes right before Logan was born so I need to make use of what I learned. I decided I am going to make Mom's birthday cake. I will have to get started tomorrow on the flowers so I can stay on track. I will get some pictures up from the whole thing at a later date. Add on top that Troy will be gone all next week and once again, we are on hurricane watch. Oh well, keeps life exciting. :)

Well, Logan is starting to fuss a bit more. Might need to go check on him. That is it for now...

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