Sunday, August 17, 2008

The funny things they say

Troy was talking to Morgan about the weather. He told her that we were going to have scary weather on Tuesday (not exactly the best way to refer to something when talking to a 2 1/2 year old). He said something about thunder and her response to him was that Daddy and Jesus make the thunder. Very cute though not sure why she thinks Daddy makes it. When we have heard thunder before, I tell her it is God making it so I suppose that is where she got the Jesus part. I figured that was the easiest explanation for her at this age...we can get in to the science of it all later. :)

Fingers crossed we do not get too much bad weather in a few days. I did not go hurricane crazy when I did my weekly shopping today, but I did pick up a few gallons of water. That is one thing I definitely need to make sure I have on hand to make Logan's bottles!

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