Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Watermelon and some beautiful eyes

Life is moving along in the Wilch house. Morgan requested watermelon last week and Logan got to enjoy his first taste of it. Took him a time or two to get the hang of the mesh feeder. Now he sucks the watermelon dry in the thing just like his sister used to do. Logan is so enjoying solid food. He has moved on to Stage 2 baby food...hmm, not sure if I will tell the doctor next week at his 6 month visit or not. Last I talked to them, they wanted me to stop all solids and just give him formula because he was not finishing his bottles. He has definitely gotten over that!!! I will post his latest stats next week after our visit. I am going to guess 20 lbs.

Took these yesterday of my brown eyed girl. Logan looks like he is going to keep his blue eyes and probably blonde hair, but not quite as blonde as his sister.

Oh yeah...funny girl. She got new Halloween panties and decided that she was going to wear all three pairs at once. Two where they are suppose to be worn and one on her head as a hat. In this picture, she is wearing it as a scarf. Two year olds, go figure. :)

Today we are off to find a Halloween costume. I thought for certain that she would want to be a princess, but she seems fairly set on a Dalmation doggy. I love hearing her say Dalmation. She has tinkered with Cinderella a bit and did mention being a cat so we will never know until it happens what she settles on. Hopefully I can get her past the scary stuff in the store without getting too upset. Then we might not get anywhere on the whole thing!

Morgan was so cute at bedtime last night. We were laying on her bed and she looks at me and says "I have a question for you". I had to smile. She has never said that before, just asks stuff. Her question was if she could lay on me like a pillow and promptly put her pillow on me and laid her pretty head down. I am sure this is something she has picked up at school. She does not necessairly tell us point blank what she is learning at school, but if you listen and watch her, you can see the things she is learning.

Logan is awake and ready to eat. He slept thru the night again. Wahoo!! Big project for the next few days is a pumpkin cake for our fall festival on Monday. I have big plans for a pumpkin patch scene so stay posted for pictures of what I ended up with next week! Gotta put those classes to good use. :)

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