Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Looks like Morgan is a Democrat

I had the tv on the other day and was fast forwarding. All of the sudden, Morgan looks and says "Barack Obama". I said, "What?" and she said it again. Must have gone by a commercial or something. Funniest thing for her to say that, especially when the sound was not even on. So she has mentioned it a few times since.

This evening, I told her that he was coming to town tomorrow. She asks if he is coming to her school. I said no, but looks like she thinks he is as when I told her she has school tomorrow, she said he is coming to her school. Even told her daddy that he is coming to her school.

Not too long after I told her Barack Obama was coming to town, I was calling someone and she asked if I was calling him. What a funny girl I have. Wonder what she would do if we did go see him?? :)

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