Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Looks like Morgan is a Democrat

I had the tv on the other day and was fast forwarding. All of the sudden, Morgan looks and says "Barack Obama". I said, "What?" and she said it again. Must have gone by a commercial or something. Funniest thing for her to say that, especially when the sound was not even on. So she has mentioned it a few times since.

This evening, I told her that he was coming to town tomorrow. She asks if he is coming to her school. I said no, but looks like she thinks he is as when I told her she has school tomorrow, she said he is coming to her school. Even told her daddy that he is coming to her school.

Not too long after I told her Barack Obama was coming to town, I was calling someone and she asked if I was calling him. What a funny girl I have. Wonder what she would do if we did go see him?? :)

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The kiddos

What has been going on with the kids? I mean, come on, that is the real reason you read my blog, right? :) Let's see....we have gone to Hunsader's for their pumpkin festival without a lot of success at having fun. Morgan was in a mood, it was warm and muddy, and the darn thing really is a money grabber. The kids and I plus Grammy went to a fall festival put on by our MOMS Club. Morgan had a good enough time even though she did not wear her costume. Oh yeah, she is doing great with potty training. Even makes it thru the night and nap time dry most of the time. She actually got up tonight after being in bed (well, not really bed since she has been sleeping on the floor in her room for a little over a week now!) for an hour or so and used the potty. Wahoo, Morgan!

Logan had his 6 month check up and is 18 lbs 7 oz and 28 inches long. He is a few pounds less than Morgan was at this point, but has a bit on her in height. Looks like he is going to be a tall one! After taking a few cute pictures of him laying on the floor this morning, he decided to spend a good part of the afternoon and evening sitting up by himself. He still bobbles around a bit, but overall, is doing great. I think he is working on some least, I hope that is what the runny nose in the mornings and little cough he has is from. He loves to eat his solid foods and I have as of yet to find one he does not like. The boy gets so excited when he sees a jar coming, even if it is when we are at the store buying them!

Hmm, what else. With Halloween coming and, fingers crossed, a costume settled on for Morgan, I had her do a try on last weekend. Her Auntie Pam had sent her a box of candy so I had her put on her costume and go trick or treating to her dad who was working in the garage. She seemed to like it so it should work on Friday. Logan's baby dedication was on Sunday. A nice little ceremony at Mixon's Fruit Farm and then back to the house for dinner. You can see cake pictures in a previous post.

That pretty much catches up things here. We are having a cool snap right now and are loving it! Will be back up to 80 by Friday, but even that beats the 90's! I will get some Halloween pictures up over the weekend...well, I will have the best of intentions to. :)

Logan & Mary at his dedication. That is Mary's fiancee, Eric, ducking down in the back.

Logan & me before the MOMS Club party.

This boy is so darn cute and so proud of himself. These are from him sitting up by himself today. In the first one, he is laughing at Morgan...some thing they both love.

Laying on the floor this morning before sitting up so well the rest of the day.

Logan in the pumpkin patch at Hunsader's.

And Morgan in the same pumpkin patch looking like a rock star.

Morgan gets some of the craziest hair in the morning, especially when she had a shower the night before. This morning, some was sticking straight up in front.

The puppy costume trial run.

Morgan looked so cute this morning in this outfit. Plus she is actually looking at the camera and smiling!

Another cute outfit (can't see much of it) at the MOMS Club party.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Let them eat cake

It has been cake time here at the house the past 2 weeks. First was a pumpkin cake for the MOMS Club party. I have done these cakes before, but this was the first time I did a pumpkin patch scene. I really liked how my ghosts and little pumpkins came out. Not so happy about the big pumpkin. That is what I get for working on it late the night before. Big pumpkin is vanilla cake with regular canned icing (yeah, I know how to make my own, but was lazy). Little pumpkins and ghosts are fondant. Not so yummy, but really cute.

Next cake was this past weekend for Logan's baby dedication. I was going to order one from Publix, but in an effort to save money and use the skills I have learned I decided to make it. I was inspired by a cake I saw on The cake is vanilla with strawberry filling and buttercream icing (yes, I made my own this time). The cross is made of fondant circles. Looks pretty good. I seem to have a problem with crumbs in my icing and will some day figure out what I am not getting right in regards to this.

No more cakes on the horizon until Morgan's birthday in December. I will work on a princess cake for the little princess. I am going to try and get on here tomorrow to update on the kids. :)

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Morgan's First Year Video

I was thinking about songs for Logan's (yeah, I still have awhile to go until I need them) and it got me thinking about Morgan's video. She and I watched it together after school today. Made me get a little misty-eyed. She was such a cute baby and still is a cute girl. :)

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Watermelon and some beautiful eyes

Life is moving along in the Wilch house. Morgan requested watermelon last week and Logan got to enjoy his first taste of it. Took him a time or two to get the hang of the mesh feeder. Now he sucks the watermelon dry in the thing just like his sister used to do. Logan is so enjoying solid food. He has moved on to Stage 2 baby food...hmm, not sure if I will tell the doctor next week at his 6 month visit or not. Last I talked to them, they wanted me to stop all solids and just give him formula because he was not finishing his bottles. He has definitely gotten over that!!! I will post his latest stats next week after our visit. I am going to guess 20 lbs.

Took these yesterday of my brown eyed girl. Logan looks like he is going to keep his blue eyes and probably blonde hair, but not quite as blonde as his sister.

Oh yeah...funny girl. She got new Halloween panties and decided that she was going to wear all three pairs at once. Two where they are suppose to be worn and one on her head as a hat. In this picture, she is wearing it as a scarf. Two year olds, go figure. :)

Today we are off to find a Halloween costume. I thought for certain that she would want to be a princess, but she seems fairly set on a Dalmation doggy. I love hearing her say Dalmation. She has tinkered with Cinderella a bit and did mention being a cat so we will never know until it happens what she settles on. Hopefully I can get her past the scary stuff in the store without getting too upset. Then we might not get anywhere on the whole thing!

Morgan was so cute at bedtime last night. We were laying on her bed and she looks at me and says "I have a question for you". I had to smile. She has never said that before, just asks stuff. Her question was if she could lay on me like a pillow and promptly put her pillow on me and laid her pretty head down. I am sure this is something she has picked up at school. She does not necessairly tell us point blank what she is learning at school, but if you listen and watch her, you can see the things she is learning.

Logan is awake and ready to eat. He slept thru the night again. Wahoo!! Big project for the next few days is a pumpkin cake for our fall festival on Monday. I have big plans for a pumpkin patch scene so stay posted for pictures of what I ended up with next week! Gotta put those classes to good use. :)

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Catching up with the Wilch family

Wow, it is October already. September flew right by. We have been busy...I do not know what I am going to do when these kids get older. Their schedule is busy enough already! :) Things will get a little easier after this week as this is Morgan's last week of Gymboree. That will free up the weekend a lot more. I feel a little bad as I know she enjoys going and Logan will not get the chance, but there are plenty of other things for us to do.

Morgan seems to have finally adjusted to preschool. She told me this morning that she was ready to go before I was even ready. I take her in to the school and she just walks right in to class. We are battling nap vs no nap with her some days. I let it slide occasionally, but she still needs it more than not. Bedtime is getting easier with both of them now that I have figured out a few things that seem to be working for us.

Logan will be six months old in two days!!! I can not believe it. He is getting so big. I think (don't want to jinx it so will not say definitely) that he is starting to sleep thru the night. He has for two days now. No teeth yet, but all in due time. He has starting to really laugh and interact more with Morgan. She is such a great big sister/little momma.

Here are a few pictures from the middle/end of September. We have a family pass for MOSI and that allowed us free admission to the Florida Aquarium and Lowry Park Zoo in September. We made sure to take advantage of that. Still hopeing to get a trip in to Busch Gardens before the end of the year.

Logan at the Aquarium
There is a splash area outside at the Aquarium that Morgan had lots of fun at.

Logan and I at the Aquarium. I am usually on the other side of the camera. :)

Troy and Logan at Lowry Park Zoo. Note Logan's FSU shirt...Mommy won on that one.

The next big task in the house is getting Morgan to decide what she wants to be for Halloween. I thought for certain she would want to be a princess, but she does not. Puppy has been the one I have heard the most. Stay tuned for details....