The party is done and over so now I can write about it. I could not before as it was a surprise party for Mom. She does get online now and then leading to her occasionally reading my blog. With much stealthness and white lies (thank you Aunt Carolyn!!!), we pulled it off. Mom thought they were all coming out my way to go out to dinner for her birthday and that Aunt Carolyn had the ice cream thus why they had to stop by my house. Not only was the party a surprise, but there were family members in town that Mom did not know were here...Uncle Melvin and Aunt Jane in from Deland, and my sister, Pam, flew in for about a day so she could be here. In addition to the surprise party, we had a surprise card shower. What this meant is that I contacted as many people as I could from Mom's address book and asked them to send her a birthday card in care of my house. I also asked them to let others know so we ended up with about 70 cards. I am still getting a few a week later. Lastly, the party entailed my first venture in cake decorating since taking classes right before Logan was born and I mean, right before. I think my last one was 2 weeks before he was born. Thanks to my sister for helping me with the cakes.I did not get many pictures as I was running around doing all sorts of stuff, but this shows the flowers she got, a few balloons...oh and Morgan favorite redheaded cousin, Ty.
Pictures of the cake- two tiered vanilla with strawberry filling and vanilla frosting (Morgan picked out the flavors)

My blog has been lacking in pictures of my children the past few entries. Here is a cute one of Logan where I realized his eye color matches our couch. My friend, Janet, thinks he will keep his eye color and wondered where it came from as Troy and I are in the brown/hazel range. I have a paper that has information about my biological parents on it and apparently, all of my immediate relatives had blue eyes. Not sure where my hazel ones came from. Also, my grandfathers on both sides were over 6 feet tall so maybe that is where the kids get their height from??

Not sure how well this will show online, but check out the funky details in Logan's eyes. Very interesting looking and some times the photos are just amazing.

I did update my picture of the kids on the sidebar. Figured Logan is 5 months old so I should. Looks like Morgan will have her first sick day home from school tomorrow. She has a cold or something that has brought on a runny nose and very fussy child for the past few days. Fingers crossed it clears up soon. Kind of a bummer as I heard rumor there was going to be a firetruck at school tomorrow.
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