Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Oh dear blog
Monday, September 15, 2008
The Party
My blog has been lacking in pictures of my children the past few entries. Here is a cute one of Logan where I realized his eye color matches our couch. My friend, Janet, thinks he will keep his eye color and wondered where it came from as Troy and I are in the brown/hazel range. I have a paper that has information about my biological parents on it and apparently, all of my immediate relatives had blue eyes. Not sure where my hazel ones came from. Also, my grandfathers on both sides were over 6 feet tall so maybe that is where the kids get their height from??
Not sure how well this will show online, but check out the funky details in Logan's eyes. Very interesting looking and some times the photos are just amazing.
I did update my picture of the kids on the sidebar. Figured Logan is 5 months old so I should. Looks like Morgan will have her first sick day home from school tomorrow. She has a cold or something that has brought on a runny nose and very fussy child for the past few days. Fingers crossed it clears up soon. Kind of a bummer as I heard rumor there was going to be a firetruck at school tomorrow.
Sunday, September 7, 2008

Friday, September 5, 2008
No pictures, but an entry anyway
So no pictures this time. Not that I do not have any new ones, but I have so much stuff to get done right now. Typical household stuff like never ending laundry (add a baby that spits up a lot to the family and you also add endless laundry) and emptying out the dishwasher. We are also doing the moving sale at Mom's one more time tomorrow. Then there is the cake. I took cake decorating classes right before Logan was born so I need to make use of what I learned. I decided I am going to make Mom's birthday cake. I will have to get started tomorrow on the flowers so I can stay on track. I will get some pictures up from the whole thing at a later date. Add on top that Troy will be gone all next week and once again, we are on hurricane watch. Oh well, keeps life exciting. :)
Well, Logan is starting to fuss a bit more. Might need to go check on him. That is it for now...
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Yeah, I'm still here
Nothing like starting off with a naked baby picture! I had to do one of Logan as I have them of Morgan at about the same age and on the playmat. Gotta have something to embarass them with in their teen years. :)
Logan and Morgan both have been doing well. It is great to see her really show interest in him and try to play with him. She still likes to tell people that he is very, very fragile and that he is too little when we say he wants some of her food. We have started him on rice cereal and he loves it! He also got some squash yesterday. At first he was not sure about it, but soon thought it was good. I like this picture of the two together. Is it forseeing the future as she puts him in a slight head lock???
One of the things that Morgan and Nick did was make pizzas for dinner one night. We also went kite flying, swimming at Grammy's, bowling, to MOSI and to Brandon for Build a Bear, shopping and riding on the merry go round.
Mom's birthday is in September, but Nick will not be here for it so he made a cake for her while he was here. He did good with the decorating and made good use of all the cake decorating tips I got when I took my classes.
Last, but definitely not least, congratulations to my cousin, Mary, who got engaged a few weeks ago. We are so happy and excited for her!