Finally a little more time to do the previously promised second update regarding Logan. Nick came to visit for almost 2 weeks so we have been extra busy with him. Logan is doing well. He had his 4 month (wow! 4 months already) doctor's appointment on Monday. He weighed in at 15 lbs 10 oz and was 26 1/4 inches long. So that is the 75% for weight and 95% for height. Morgan was the same height at her 4 month visit. Not sure how I got tall kids! He had 3 shots and shrieked like a least that is what his father says it is. He seems to be getting better at sleeping thru the night, but I do not want to say he definitely is because then I will jinx it. He is rolling over from his back to his stomach and talks like crazy some times. We started him on rice cereal yesterday. He seems to like it well enough.Whew, that was a lot in one paragraph!! What else has been going on with little bug...he is spitting up more again. Not sure why that is happening. Hopefully it is not something that will be around for awhile. We are not scheduled to go back to the doctor until October. Here are a few recent pictures of Logan.Troy was trying to get his hands free ear piece on Logan's ear. Did not fit, but we got a cute picture from it. :)
Getting ready for football season by showing his true college affinity.
This is a cute picture of Morgan playing with Logan. He sat in his Bumpo and she showed him the toys.
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