Okay, so it has been forever, AGAIN, since I last was on here. Time for me to update the things going on with my babies. I figure the easiest was to do it without a long as heck post is to do them each separately. Morgan is oldest so she is first up...
I can not believe my little girl is starting preschool next week. Albeit only going two mornings a week, but just the same, she is going. We are in the midst potty training. The bribery is in full swing and we are trying to be creative. Today was our first outing in big girl panties and she made it thru a trip to Walmart without an accident...even went pee when we went in the bathroom at Walmart. Make a momma proud. The pride, excitement and dancing that took place before church on Sunday was crazy when she actually went poo in the potty without us even asking if she needed to. Yeah, I know, getting excited about poo, but hey, that is what parenting is all about.
So here are a few pictures of our princess crazed girl in her princess jewelry that she got after making it all day with only one accident at home.
The full royal regalia including princess jammies
I think this picture is cute even if it focused on her shoulder. She was trying to get as close as she could.
No, Morgan did not get a black eye. They are working on a huge mall/commercial complex about 20 minutes from our house. The first part is a shopping center anchored by SuperTarget (wahoo). The just opened another store in the center last weekend called Ulta (another wahoo). It is a make up, hair, etc store that we had in Maryland and I really like it. I took the kids for the grand opening on Friday. We got our "free" stuff, including eye shadow. I let Morgan have at it with it before bath time that night. Here are two pictures of her creation on herself.
Troy is using an ear piece with his cell phone when working in the house. Someone got ahold of it and had to try it out today. That is the first picture. The second is of her "working". She got all over me earlier today because I was sitting at the computer doing something and she needed to work. Go figure. Wonder what she gets paid for her work...
I love the expression in her face. I am sure we have all had that look when at work. :)

Morgan loves to try on Troy's glasses. Unfortunately for her, glasses are probably in her future as her father and I both have bad eyesight.