We do not have much new to report even though it feels like we are always on the go. That is partially due to Troy working from home so much and me trying to get out of the house and thus stay out of his way. Morgan wants to be around her daddy when he is home so it makes it a little hard.
Here are some new pictures from the past few weeks. I did take Logan for his 3 month pictures at Penney's on Saturday. He did really well and gave lots of good smiles. So different from Morgan at that age. We took her in twice to try and get her to smile for the camera at 3 months and she never did.
These first two pictures are comparision pictures. The first is Morgan at 2 months in the baby swing and the second is Logan around the same age in the same swing...almost in the same outfit. Yes, if you come to my house at bedtime, you will probably find my son in a pink sleepsack. He is wearing some of his sister's hand me downs around the house. Anyway, these two are so you compare my kids and tell me if you think they look alike??
One of the groups of moms and kids that we do things with had an outing to go bowling last week. I took Morgan and she had a nice time. It was a little crowded with 8 kids per lane. They had the bumpers up and then had a metal ramp thing the kids could put the ball on top of so it would get some momentum without them having to try and roll it down the lane. She did really well carrying the ball. I would like to take her back again some time.
She looked so darn cute in the shoes.
Morgan and Logan's cousin, Ty, turned 3 a few weeks ago so off to his party we all went. The kids always have a nice time when they get together. July is a busy birthday month for our kids' cousins with Ty (3), Jacob (3) and Nick (10) all celebrating one with in a week.
Ethan and Ty on the John Deere. Ethan was not too sure about the whole thing.
There was a fire truck that the kids got to check out.

Morgan, Lynn (Scott's sister) and Ty
Mary and Ethan

Just a few of the pictures from the party. We have several "events" coming up in August that I am sure will produce more pictures. Troy's 20 year high school reunion is this weekend. Mine was last year so it is his turn this year, then Pam's next year. Nick will be coming to visit for almost 2 weeks in the middle of August. We will probably take him and Morgan to Busch Gardens. Morgan starts preschool on August 19. I can not believe it!
Lastly, happy thoughts and prayers for a good delivery to my friend, Kristin, in Wisconsin as she is scheduled to have her second daughter tomorrow. Can't wait to see pictures!!!
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