Wednesday, July 30, 2008

My weekly post

So I am starting to feel like posting on my blog is going to be a once a week thing even though I really would rather it not be. Seems like trying to find time to do it is getting harder and harder. Oh well, I suppose I should be happy that I get a little time. :)

We do not have much new to report even though it feels like we are always on the go. That is partially due to Troy working from home so much and me trying to get out of the house and thus stay out of his way. Morgan wants to be around her daddy when he is home so it makes it a little hard.

Here are some new pictures from the past few weeks. I did take Logan for his 3 month pictures at Penney's on Saturday. He did really well and gave lots of good smiles. So different from Morgan at that age. We took her in twice to try and get her to smile for the camera at 3 months and she never did.

These first two pictures are comparision pictures. The first is Morgan at 2 months in the baby swing and the second is Logan around the same age in the same swing...almost in the same outfit. Yes, if you come to my house at bedtime, you will probably find my son in a pink sleepsack. He is wearing some of his sister's hand me downs around the house. Anyway, these two are so you compare my kids and tell me if you think they look alike??


One of the groups of moms and kids that we do things with had an outing to go bowling last week. I took Morgan and she had a nice time. It was a little crowded with 8 kids per lane. They had the bumpers up and then had a metal ramp thing the kids could put the ball on top of so it would get some momentum without them having to try and roll it down the lane. She did really well carrying the ball. I would like to take her back again some time.
She looked so darn cute in the shoes.
This kind of shows the metal ramp the put the ball on.
Morgan and Logan's cousin, Ty, turned 3 a few weeks ago so off to his party we all went. The kids always have a nice time when they get together. July is a busy birthday month for our kids' cousins with Ty (3), Jacob (3) and Nick (10) all celebrating one with in a week.
Ethan and Ty on the John Deere. Ethan was not too sure about the whole thing. There was a fire truck that the kids got to check out.
Morgan, Lynn (Scott's sister) and Ty
Mary and Ethan
Just a few of the pictures from the party. We have several "events" coming up in August that I am sure will produce more pictures. Troy's 20 year high school reunion is this weekend. Mine was last year so it is his turn this year, then Pam's next year. Nick will be coming to visit for almost 2 weeks in the middle of August. We will probably take him and Morgan to Busch Gardens. Morgan starts preschool on August 19. I can not believe it!
Lastly, happy thoughts and prayers for a good delivery to my friend, Kristin, in Wisconsin as she is scheduled to have her second daughter tomorrow. Can't wait to see pictures!!!

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Wow, I can even put video on here...

that is, if we remember to get the camera out and it is charged! Well, lo and behold, all that happened this afternoon. I put together some video of Logan and Morgan. A little grainy, but hey, I am not looking for an Academy Award here. Just trying to show off my babies. :)

Friday, July 18, 2008

Random pictures from the past few weeks

I got a little time to upload pictures that were on the camera so here are some random ones.

Little man's room-kind of went for a surf/Hawaii theme

Morgan loves to play in our closet. This day, her choice was Troy's Navy hat.

These few are fingerpainting pictures from today. I had forgotten that I had finger paints for her until we were painting earlier this week. Tonight, Troy was hanging out with her while she painted. She had to come in and show me her masterpiece...herself!! :) Also, note that she has "big girl" panties on. We are working on getting her potty trained. Let me tell you, she definitely knows what it is all about, but only wants to do it on her terms.

This picture is not the clearest, but she is showing her "funky" face. I crack up every time she does this.

My cousin, Melanie, her daughters and her parents came over from the East coast for a few days. Melanie lives in Texas and they come to Florida every summer. We all went out to the beach for a cook out. This is Ty, Morgan and Amanda in the water.

Gotta have a picture of the little man. Here he is hanging out in his Bumbo.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Wow...a few minutes for blogging!

Okay, so I have been MIA. Busy as heck and Troy has been working from home so my computer time has been limited. I will try to do a quick update and then some thing more later in the week.

  • Morgan went to the dentist and has two lower molars coming in. Everything looks great.

  • While looking this past Sunday to see if Morgan's upper molars were coming in, I noticed some red spots on her upper mouth. Took her to the doctor yesterday and she has hand, foot, mouth disease. Apparently it is a common childhood aliment that tends to show up in the summer. I have to keep an eye on her around Logan so she does not pass it on to him.

  • Logan went to the doctor at the same time as Morgan as he has an infected ingrown toe nail. He is on an antibiotic and we have to soak his toe, wash it with special soap and keep it dry. He has a follow up visit in two weeks.

  • Logan started rolling over from back to stomach a few weeks ago. He gets a little mad some times, but is doing really well holding up his head when he gets on his tummy.

  • We had a three day moving sale at mom's house and it went really well. Sold a lot of stuff including her washer and dryer that were not even up for sale. It was really funny. We had not really gone thru the garage and on the first day in the first hour, someone asked if we had another trunk. We had a few in the garage, but told them that we had not gone thru the garage. Well, that started three days of people going thur the messy garage and finding stuff. We were amazed at what they were finding and buying. That was one way to get the garage cleaned out. :) Big thanks to Aunt Carolyn for spending those three days out in the hot, steamy garage as people went thru things.
  • Morgan got in to preschool. A spot opened up and she will start in the fall. She will go on Tuesday and Thursday morning. I think this will be a great opportunity for us all and am very excited about it.
  • We had to cancel our trip to Maryland. Hopefully we will get to head up there some time before the end of the year. Nick will be here in August for a little over a week so we will get to see him then.

That about wraps it up for now. Need to get ready for the day...I am taking Morgan to her first movie in a movie theater this morning. One of the theaters does free movies for the kids in the summer so we are going to Happy Feet this morning.