Morgan had asked to go to Chick Fil A so off we went yesterday after going to Target. She loves to go to the one with the play area even though she has a hard time climbing up one or two of the levels. When we have gone before, there have been older kids who help her up, even had one help her down once when she started crying way up in the far off reachs of the play area. So yesterday, she got as far as she could without help. I could hear her saying something and could not figure it out at first since I was feeding Logan and was not able to get up closer. It was the cutest thing though once I did figure out. She was standing there saying "help, help, help" and every time an older child climbed up past her, she would say that plus "I need help please". Oh it was so darn cute. Finally one of the girls stopped and helped her. She stuck with her for awhile and even helped her up a second time. If you remember from a few weeks ago, I cut Morgan's hair for the first time. I decided to get some inexpensive shears at the beauty supply store so I have something better to do this with and as a result, Morgan got another hair cut this week. Here are a few pictures the day after. I cut her bangs a bit more this time around also.She looks so different in these three pictures.

Morgan loves her baby brother. :)

These two pictures are of Logan in the same outfit, but 2 months apart. The first is right before we left the hospital to come home. The second is from when he turned two months. Kind of shows how he has grown.

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