Snow White came to our house for a visit thanks to a certain little girl's daddy being unable to say no. Troy and Morgan went to Target on Saturday after Gymboree and came home with a Snow White dress. The story is that she would not leave with out it...hmm, okay, if you say so. Anyway, here are a few pictures of her dressed as Snow White. I suppose I should not say much as I am the one who bought her the Sleeping Beauty heels and did promise a princess crown if she uses the potty 15 times.
I have all this baby stuff out at the house now and it seems like there are others in it more often than the actual baby. If it is not one of Morgan's dolls...
it is a cat
or a toddler who out grew it a long time ago, but do not try and tell her that. :)
I guess it is a downfall of being a second child, but I find myself not having as many pictures of Logan. I suppose part of it is trying to juggle the two of them. We are half way thru our first real week of Troy being back to commuting out of state. We are doing okay. Logan is still getting up every 3 hours to eat at night so that is tiring and then today, he did not really nap for long during the day and took a while to finally get to sleep at night. Morgan was really testing me this evening and ended up getting put in her room. I really gotta find time to read some discipline books!!! Anyway, back to Logan and pictures. Here is one from last Sunday right before we left for church. So glad that he did not cry like this during church. He has done really well for us at church and has slept thru every service so far. Hmm, I don't think that is his reflection on Pastor Randy's preaching.