Monday, December 15, 2008

Parties and muffins

Lots of pictures so I will try not to be too wordy. We have had 3 parties in the past 4 days. Friday was a holiday party with MOMS Club. Saturday was Morgan's birthday party and then today, we had another birthday party to attend. First up though are pictures of Logan. Yep, we like to let him get messy with his food...only food that is not too messy. This time around it was corn muffins. Not sure he got much in his mouth, but he sure got it everywhere else!

Next up is the MOMS Club holiday party. We had lots of fun. I organized the cookie exchange again this year and that is always nice. Morgan did not want to see or talk to Santa, but did want to tell him that she wants a dollhouse so I had to carry her with her jacket over her head and then relay her message to him. Logan just plain had a good time.

Morgan decorated a gingerbread man cookie.

Puppy came along and had to get in on the cookie decorating.

Finally, Morgan turned 3 on Sunday. Hard to believe that she is 3 now. We had a nice Hello Kitty party for her on Saturday. Everyone had a good time.

Hello Kitty present from her cousin, Nick, and his parents.

Auntie Janet got her poms poms. She used them to break up a wrestling match that her cousins started mid-party.

We got her a princess bike.

Giving the cake a try.

I made her a Hello Kitty cake.

Morgan and some of her friends enjoying cake!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Logan is crawling

Okay, so it is army crawling, but it is crawling just the same. As promised to his auntie Pam, here is a video montage of him getting around and a little at the end of my two nuts knocking their heads against the back door. :)

Sunday, December 7, 2008

December already??!!

Can't believe it is December already and that Morgan will be 3 next Sunday! Well, that part I believe, especially with the way she behaves some times!! Things have been busy here. After Logan ruptured eardrum, I took him in a day early for his follow up appointment as he was starting to fuss a lot and now he has a double ear infection. Hopefully this all clears up before we head off for Christmas. Added to it all is that he has started waking up during the night again and has developed quite the shriek. I am visiting the world of sleep deprivation once more.

We had a nice Thanksgiving at John and Susie's house. Logan enjoyed some mashed potatoes and cranberry salad. Morgan enjoyed playing with her cousins and the Christmas lights that were up around the youth ranch. We got our Christmas lights up today. I might try to get some pictures on here of those soon. So much stuff going on, not sure what else to mention. Oh, how could I forget...Logan has started crawling. Not a full on crawl, but an army crawl and good enough to get himself around, especially if his sister's stuff is close by or a cat is. I will need to re-baby proof some soon. That is about it for now. Here are some recent pictures.

Logan crawled over to play with a cat toy in the living room.

Happy boy enjoying his first Thanksgiving.
No more monkey hair, but he did have skater punk hair after a bath one evening.

Two pictures of Morgan from a photo shoot we did with Janet at DeSoto Monument. Love her outfit.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Another week is gone

And what a week it has been. Started out okay until Tuesday. Logan woke up after a short morning nap and I had a hard time getting him back down. He woke up from a long afternoon nap very warm and then was up every hour on Tuesday night until 2 am. At that point, he did not go back down in his crib. I got him to sleep a bit, but only holding him. We went to the doctor on Wednesday morning and he has a ruptured ear drum. No clue how it really happened. Poor guy looked so wiped on Wednesday. He slept really well that night as a result of the medication kicking in. I take him back in the beginning of December for a recheck and they will look then to see how it is healing. Hopefully there are no long term effects from it.

Otherwise, just staying busy as usual. I have been struck this week by how verbal Morgan really is. It is almost like talking to an adult at times! Really crazy.

A few pictures from this week. I took the first two when Morgan asked me to take her picture. Anyone who has been around us with a camera knows how very rare it is for her to want to have her picture taken so I could not pass up the chance.

These are couscous pictures. We had couscous for dinner last weekend and I put some on Logan's tray. I do not know how much actually got in his mouth, but he did get it practically everywhere else!

Finally, a silly Dalmation girl showing how she kisses. I think she picked this up from the HBO Baby movies that she watches. One is about classical and modern art and includes the painting called The Kiss.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Moo moo says the cow

We had two field trips this week with MOMS Club. The first was on Tuesday to a fire station. I do not have any pictures and if you know us well enough, you know that getting pictures of Morgan can be difficult at times. I am sure it would have been on Tuesday. Logan did really well on Tuesday's field trip...he slept in the car during the whole tour! My mom came along and sat with him.

Today's field trip was to a local dairy farm. Again, Mom and Logan stayed in the car. Morgan was not sure about everything, but had a fairly nice time. She did not want to see the milking up close, which was okay. She really liked seeing the babies. One of the calves was really interested in her as well. The thing that ruined it was ants...we were having fun time interacting with one calf when all the sudden Morgan started to freak out. She had ants all over her shoes, sock and pants. Thank goodness they were leggings so she did not get very many bites!

Morgan at the farm

At the calf pens- she almost got close enough to get licked.

I felt bad after looking at this picture as I can just make out the ants all over her feet and ankles.

Just a cute picture of the kids when they were playing this afternoon. Do you think they like each other??

I had to head off to the doctor again this week. I had an itchy rash on my arms and legs that started on Halloween. I went to the doctor a week ago and he said it looked like poison ivy and put me on a 6 day dose of medication. On this past Tuesday, I woke up and it had all flared up really bad. They sent me to the dermatologist who said my body was reacting to something and put me back on a steroid for 2 weeks. Hopefully this will take care of it! Poor Logan has been working on some congestion and was really coughing yesterday. After a night with a humidifier, he seems to be some what better. Fingers crossed it is not much of anything as he has some shots coming up in 2 weeks.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Oh yeah, Halloween is over

and I have not put any pictures up yet. I was so concerned that Morgan would not wear her puppy costume. Turned out she could not wait to put it on. The kids had fun trick or treating. They got tired about half way around and were ready to go home. Crazy thing is that all Morgan wanted that day is, I think she has forgotten about it as she really does not ask for it since we "hid" it from her.

Morgan, Logan & Ethan- Logan was so happy.

I took the kids to a local children's boutique on Halloween morning for a party and to buy them each a pair of Baby Legs for our Christmas trip. Morgan promptly put hers on and wore them for two days until it was shower time. She looks so cute in them. She said hers are not Baby Legs, but Big Girl Legs. :)

Just a cute picture of the two playing together.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Looks like Morgan is a Democrat

I had the tv on the other day and was fast forwarding. All of the sudden, Morgan looks and says "Barack Obama". I said, "What?" and she said it again. Must have gone by a commercial or something. Funniest thing for her to say that, especially when the sound was not even on. So she has mentioned it a few times since.

This evening, I told her that he was coming to town tomorrow. She asks if he is coming to her school. I said no, but looks like she thinks he is as when I told her she has school tomorrow, she said he is coming to her school. Even told her daddy that he is coming to her school.

Not too long after I told her Barack Obama was coming to town, I was calling someone and she asked if I was calling him. What a funny girl I have. Wonder what she would do if we did go see him?? :)

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The kiddos

What has been going on with the kids? I mean, come on, that is the real reason you read my blog, right? :) Let's see....we have gone to Hunsader's for their pumpkin festival without a lot of success at having fun. Morgan was in a mood, it was warm and muddy, and the darn thing really is a money grabber. The kids and I plus Grammy went to a fall festival put on by our MOMS Club. Morgan had a good enough time even though she did not wear her costume. Oh yeah, she is doing great with potty training. Even makes it thru the night and nap time dry most of the time. She actually got up tonight after being in bed (well, not really bed since she has been sleeping on the floor in her room for a little over a week now!) for an hour or so and used the potty. Wahoo, Morgan!

Logan had his 6 month check up and is 18 lbs 7 oz and 28 inches long. He is a few pounds less than Morgan was at this point, but has a bit on her in height. Looks like he is going to be a tall one! After taking a few cute pictures of him laying on the floor this morning, he decided to spend a good part of the afternoon and evening sitting up by himself. He still bobbles around a bit, but overall, is doing great. I think he is working on some least, I hope that is what the runny nose in the mornings and little cough he has is from. He loves to eat his solid foods and I have as of yet to find one he does not like. The boy gets so excited when he sees a jar coming, even if it is when we are at the store buying them!

Hmm, what else. With Halloween coming and, fingers crossed, a costume settled on for Morgan, I had her do a try on last weekend. Her Auntie Pam had sent her a box of candy so I had her put on her costume and go trick or treating to her dad who was working in the garage. She seemed to like it so it should work on Friday. Logan's baby dedication was on Sunday. A nice little ceremony at Mixon's Fruit Farm and then back to the house for dinner. You can see cake pictures in a previous post.

That pretty much catches up things here. We are having a cool snap right now and are loving it! Will be back up to 80 by Friday, but even that beats the 90's! I will get some Halloween pictures up over the weekend...well, I will have the best of intentions to. :)

Logan & Mary at his dedication. That is Mary's fiancee, Eric, ducking down in the back.

Logan & me before the MOMS Club party.

This boy is so darn cute and so proud of himself. These are from him sitting up by himself today. In the first one, he is laughing at Morgan...some thing they both love.

Laying on the floor this morning before sitting up so well the rest of the day.

Logan in the pumpkin patch at Hunsader's.

And Morgan in the same pumpkin patch looking like a rock star.

Morgan gets some of the craziest hair in the morning, especially when she had a shower the night before. This morning, some was sticking straight up in front.

The puppy costume trial run.

Morgan looked so cute this morning in this outfit. Plus she is actually looking at the camera and smiling!

Another cute outfit (can't see much of it) at the MOMS Club party.