Okay, so it has been forever since I have updated my blog. I suppose what really matters is that I am here doing it now while at least one of the kiddos is asleep. (I know Morgan is still awake as I was sleeping next to her when she woke me up to tell me the phone was ringing. ) We have had a busy summer and I could go on about all we have done, but that would take too long as well as posting gobs of cute pictures would too. So instead, I will just let the world know that we have had a busy summer. Seems like we are always on the go...some of that being on the go included heading to the beach, several trips to Mote Marine, playgroups, story time at the library and such. Troy and Morgan went to Atlanta for the weekend in July. Morgan and I are heading to DC with Janet and Macy in September. Other than that, we have not done any traveling this summer. Maybe some time in the fall we will take a family trip.The kids continue to grow like crazy. Morgan started dance class at the beginning of August and loves it. She starts back to preschool next Monday and will be attending three mornings a week this year. Logan is walking, running and climbing all over the place. He does what ever he has to do to keep up with his sister. He finally got his fifth tooth after having four for about 7 months. Here are a few pictures from the past few months. Enjoy and I am really going to try and keep up with my blog better. I promise!! Logan's new ride
My new ride

Logan loves to wear his sister's princess shoes